Add Me to Search: 3 Easy Steps to Create Google Search Card

You will agree with us if we say that search engines are most crucial in today’s technological-driven market. When we are talking about search engines, Google is the first thing that crosses your mind, right?

Whatever the thing is, we always find a way to research or find that thing on Google. As the digital landscape is growing and people are getting so much involved in Google and marketing, it is crucial to understand the “Add me to search” feature by Google.

This guide will answer all your concerns related to how you can add your profile to Google and let people discover you on Google. And let us tell you a secret: even after being the best SEO company in Gurgaon, we must say to you that you can make a Google search card for yourself without any professional help and let your audience discover your brand or business on Google.

Understanding Google Search Cards

Google Search Cards, also known as People Cards, are a fantastic tool for both individuals and businesses to boost their online visibility and establish themselves as credible figures in their field.

So, how do these Search Cards appear?

If someone searches for your name (or your business name) and you have a Search Card, then it might show up near the top of the results page, alongside the usual website links.

Who can benefit from a Search Card?


A Search Card lets you showcase your expertise, achievements, and contact information. It’s like a professional online business card, readily available for anyone searching for you.


Search Cards are a great way for local businesses to stand out, especially if they still need to get a website. They can display contact details, links to social media pages, and even a short description of their services.

Information to be included on a Search Card

Name & Location

This is your basic identity on the web; fill it accurately.


Write a captivating bio that highlights your skills, experience, or what makes your business unique. Keep it concise and informative.

Contact (Optional)

If you’re comfortable, you can include contact information like your email address or phone number. This allows potential clients or collaborators to reach out easily.


This is where you can connect your Search Card to your website, social media profiles, or any other relevant online presence you have.

Being the best digital marketing agency in Gurgaon, let us tell you that Google Search Card helps you in search, but if you want your brand to stand out from your competitors, then you must connect with our experts and let us handle your digital space.

Google Search Card Creation Rules

While there aren’t strict rules for creating a Google Search Card, here are some key guidelines to keep in mind:


You’ll need a Google account to create a Search Card. If you don’t have one, creating one is free and easy.


Currently, Search Cards can only be created through a mobile web browser.

Location & Visibility

Google Search Cards are currently only available in a limited number of regions. You can search online to see if your area is supported.


Focus on providing accurate and professional information. Avoid including anything misleading, offensive, or that violates Google’s Terms of Service.


You control the information displayed on your Search Card. There are also options to manage its visibility in search results.


Keep your Search Card information up-to-date to maintain credibility. You can edit and update your card details anytime.

Optional Elements

Adding a profile picture and contact information (like your website or social media links) is optional but highly recommended for a well-rounded profile.

3 Easy Steps to Create Your Google Search Card

Step 1: Initiate the Setup Process

First things first, you’ll need a Google account. If you’re one of the few who don’t have one yet, then create one! Creating a Google account is easy; you just need to go to the account creation page and fill in your details, and that’s it.

Now, grab your smartphone and start.

  1. Open up your browser and head to Google Search.
  2. Type in “Add me to Search” in the search bar.
  3. You’ll see a prompt inviting you to create your public profile.

Step 2: Fill in Your Details

Start with the basics: Type your name and location. Could you make sure they’re accurate?

Fill in your bio. Keep it clear, concise, and professional. Share what you do and what makes you stand out.

Don’t forget to add a profile picture. It’s optional but makes you look professional.

Step 3: Review and Publish

Before you hit that publish button, take advantage of the preview function. Check over your information, make edits, and ensure everything looks top-notch.

Once you’re happy with how it all looks, go ahead and publish. You can always come back to manage and update your Search Card as needed. Keep it fresh, and keep it you!

Suppose you want to grow your social media page and reach your ideal audience. In that case, this is the perfect time to connect with a social media agency in Gurgaon (You can also click the link) and start building your brand on social media.

Optimize Your Google Search Card for Impact

Here are some tactics to make your profile stand out:

Put an HQ profile Picture.

First impressions matter online just as much as they do offline. Use a clear, well-lit headshot that shows your friendly and approachable face. Professional attire is a plus, but the key is to look confident and authentic.

Craft a Compelling Bio

Don’t just list your job title –  write a captivating narrative. Highlight your expertise or achievements in a way that piques the user’s curiosity and makes them want to learn more.

Paste Your Social/Web Links

Think about where you want to direct users after they discover your Search Card. Include links to your professional website, portfolio, or relevant social media profiles. This allows them to dive deeper into your work and connect with you on other platforms.

Keep it Updated

The internet is a dynamic space, so make sure your Search Card reflects that. Regularly review your information and update it as needed. Reflect on any changes on your card to maintain credibility and showcase your professional growth.

Benefits of Add Me to Search

Increased Visibility

When someone searches for your name, your Search Card appears prominently in search results. This makes it easier for potential employers, clients, or collaborators to find you.

Enhanced Credibility

A well-crafted Search Card acts as your digital resume, showcasing your expertise and background. This can build trust and establish you as a legitimate professional in your field.

Improved Networking

Your Search Card provides a platform to connect with others. Include links to your website or social media profiles, allowing people to learn more about you and connect easily.

Better Search Ranking

While not a guaranteed top spot, having a Search Card can influence search algorithms to display your information when relevant searches occur.

Personal Branding Tool

Craft your bio and profile to highlight your skills and accomplishments. This allows you to manage your online reputation and build a strong personal brand.

Simple & Free to Use

Creating and maintaining a Google Search Card is completely free. It’s a user-friendly tool that requires minimal technical knowledge.

Wide Audience Reach

Google is the world’s most popular search engine. A Search Card increases your chances of being discovered by a broader online audience.

Wrapping Up

Now that you know how this “add me to search” feature works, what do you think about when you will try it? Today, in this competitive market, it has become crucial to stand out and make yourself visible.

If you are a brand and want to stand out from your competitors and reach your potential target audience, then you must join hands with a creative agency in Gurgaon. Make your Google Search Card and let the world discover you on Google (A widely recognized and used search engine).  


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